Tree Removal: We specialize in tight area/technical residential tree removals. Certainly, we can take down all other trees. Some limitations may apply.
Tree Pruning: We prune trees year-round. Don’t forget; that it is optimal to prune trees while they are dormant.
- Many trees can be pruned in the growing season, but some trees may be best pruned in the winter.
- A lot of tree diseases are introduced or spread if pruned in the warm/hot growing season.
- Birds, various wildlife, and beneficial insects can be “left alone” if trees are pruned in the winter/dormant season. (Something to consider. Not a harsh rule).
Storm Damage Response. Why wait for storm damage to harm your tree? I specialize in storm damage mitigation and prevention.
- Few in the industry utilize & understand the practice of both mature tree and young tree structure pruning.
- I would like to meet with you to discuss what I see with your trees to educate you and show you what I see.
- I also state in writing what my prescription for pruning is and that means what my intentions are with your tree.
- There are decades of research and curricula that teach best practices for pruning trees to reduce “failure” with storms.
- Preventing storm damage comes through 1- identifying structural defects & 2- pruning with proper reduction cuts.
- If this sounds like new information to you (if you have had your trees pruned before) this means that structure pruning wasn’t done on your trees.
What is the difference between an estimate, a quote, and a consultation?
- An estimate can be a broad range of costs. We usually like to give estimates if a customer is long-term planning. People seeking estimates may not have a serious or urgent need for services. An estimate is usually done with little to no time to factor in variables that can determine a real cost. An estimate is typically provided without an onsite visit.
- A quote is a fixed rate for services proposed and is welcome to be counter-bid. We encourage friendly dialogue between us and customers regarding pricing. We prefer to provide quotes to customers that are in a position to use our services, in the near future (2-4 weeks).
- When a free onsite appointment is scheduled the primary objective of the discussion is about the immediate need a customer has. We like to stay on topic, so way we can respect your valuable time and not cause you to fall behind in your schedule.
- A consultation is a customer seeking advice, information, and/or opinion from a professional relevant to his/her expertise.
- As much as I donated years of free time towards consultations, I can no longer afford to do so.
- I can offer remote/online consultations at a cost. This is the easiest way to meet your needs and keep up with the demand for advice, information, long-term planning, etc…
- Onsite consultations are more thorough and insightful. We can typically cover a lot of different topics in a short period of time.
- Ask for our rates for remote/online consultations versus onsite consultations.